1 min read

Turning A 15-Year Prospect Into An $8M Customer With Voze

The Bobcat of North Texas team had been trying to win over a large prospect from a top competitor for 15 years. Despite passing the opportunity between multiple reps, they struggled to make progress and pry the account away.

When a new sales rep took over the challenge, he committed to using Voze's Follow-Up Task and Call Notes features to build a persistent yet personalized cadence.

He treated Voze like a personal assistant:
  • Logging every interaction with the prospect through quick voice notes
  • Scheduling regular follow up reminders to stay top of mind
  • Referencing past discussion details to tailor each touchpoint
  • This helped him learn the customer's needs, keep the conversation productive, and show unwavering dedication over time.

After 3 years of steady follow up powered by Voze, the prospect finally grew frustrated with slow responses from the competitor. They moved their business to Bobcat of North Texas, ultimately leading to $8M in revenue.

By using Voze to build consistency, the rep landed a huge commission check and a marquee client. Max Kepple, Sales Manager, summarized the impact:

"There is no way you can remember every detail or find it on countless yellow notepads. Voze makes it easy for me and my team to remember what we have to do to make money."

Get real-time intel from your sales reps to win more deals

Voze is an easy way for reps to capture critical information in less than a minute.

Managers get the right details they need to improve their strategy, better coach reps, and grow sales.

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