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With Voze, CMC Tire Gets A Simple Sales Tool Their Reps Actually Love To Use

Jesse Richards, Vice President of Sales at CMC Tire, knew that getting his field reps fully organized with the right tools was crucial for growth. Voze provided the visibility and simplicity reps needed to capture insightful notes and keep all the plates spinning on customer calls. Managers could then use these real-time insights to better guide deals and strategy.

As Jesse explained, existing solutions felt like “just another thing to do to please your bosses" instead of prioritizing customer conversations and sales growth:

“The only reason I'm doing this isn't because it's valuable to me. It's because somebody somewhere wants to know that I'm working... [Voze is different.] It's going to make me a better salesman and it's easy and it's quick and it's effective.”

Implementing Voze provided an immediate shift as reps willingly logged structured customer details through fast, flexible voice notes, text and paper screenshots. The tool felt like a personal assistant, organizing key data rather than being just another box to check.

Jesse noticed visibility into rep interactions and trends helped him coach his team and spot opportunities easier. Here's an example of what that visibility looks like inside the Voze platform:

"'This individual is looking at buying this product with this part number... I need to follow up with him. Please set a reminder.' and I know that's a sale that we're going to capture."

With streamlined organization and communications via Voze, Jesse’s biggest producer began selling 3X over the rest of the team. Quick note sharing aligns managers and reps around priorities in real-time so everyone can deliver excellent, personalized service driving growth and competitive advantage.

Voze provided the simplified infrastructure for CMC Tire to help their reps in the field stay organized and generate more sales.

Gain visibility into your sales team's activities to close deals

Voze is an easy way for reps to capture every note that matters in less than a minute.

Managers get the right details they need to improve their strategy, better coach reps, and win more deals.

Give us 30 minutes and we'll show you how:

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