2 min read

Creating and Editing Notes on the Go with Voze

We understand that our customers need a simple and efficient way to create and edit notes while in the field. That's why we've launched our latest update, which allows you to create and edit notes right from your iOS device. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating manual text notes and editing existing notes within the Voze mobile app.

Creating and editing sales notes on the go with Voze

Creating manual text notes

Creating manual sales notes

1. Open the Voze app on your iOS device.
2. Tap on the menu option.
3. Select "Type note" to create a manual text note.
4. You'll be presented with the same options as when recording a note, such as choosing the company, call type, opportunities, and any custom checkbox fields or company labels specific to your account.
5. Fill out the relevant fields for your note. Don't worry about the order of the fields, as they may appear in a different order each time you create a note.
6. Once you've completed the necessary fields, tap "Save."
7. You'll be taken to the new note's detail screen, where you can review the information you've entered.




Editing existing notes

Edit Notes Voze

1. Open the Voze app on your iOS device.
2. Navigate to the note you wish to edit.
3. Tap on the pencil icon at the top of the note.
4. You'll see all the fields associated with the call note, although they may appear in a different order than when you originally created the note.
5. Make the necessary changes to the fields you want to update. You can edit text fields, money fields, number fields, checkboxes, and dropdown selections.
6. If you need to remove information from a field, simply delete the text, uncheck the checkbox, or remove the dropdown selection.
7. Once you've made all the desired changes, tap "Save."
8. The updated information will be reflected on the call note detail screen and in the list view.
9. If you removed information from a field, you'll still see the field name on the detail screen and list view, but there will be no data displayed under it.


Creating manual text notes

This new feature will be released during the week of March 18, 2024.

1. Open the Voze app on your iOS device.
2. Tap on the menu option.
3. Select "Type note" to create a manual text note.
4. You'll be presented with the same options as when recording a note, such as choosing the company, call type, opportunities, and any custom checkbox fields or company labels specific to your account.
5. Fill out the relevant fields for your note. Don't worry about the order of the fields, as they may appear in a different order each time you create a note.
6. Once you've completed the necessary fields, tap "Save."
7. You'll be taken to the new note's detail screen, where you can review the information you've entered.

Creating manual sales notes

Editing existing notes


1. Open the Voze app on your iOS device.
2. Navigate to the note you wish to edit.
3. Tap on the pencil icon at the top of the note.
4. You'll see all the fields associated with the call note, although they may appear in a different order than when you originally created the note.
5. Make the necessary changes to the fields you want to update. You can edit text fields, money fields, number fields, checkboxes, and dropdown selections.
6. If you need to remove information from a field, simply delete the text, uncheck the checkbox, or remove the dropdown selection.
7. Once you've made all the desired changes, tap "Save."
8. The updated information will be reflected on the call note detail screen and in the list view.
9. If you removed information from a field, you'll still see the field name on the detail screen and list view, but there will be no data displayed under it.

Edit Notes Voze


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